Mirage (Created and tied by Ken Sawada)

Tag:             Fine oval silver tinsel and blue silk       
Tail:            Golden pheasant crest and Eurasian jay
Butt:            Black ostrich herl
Body:           Black silk
Ribbing:       Fine oval silver tinsel, blue silk, fine 
                    oval gold tinsel
Hackle:        Black hackle
Throat:         Black hackle and Eurasian jay
Wing:           Two pair jungle cock, long and partially 
                    overlapping; married strips of white florican
                    bustard dyed light blue and Lady Amherst tail
                    (repeated four times) followed by married
                    strips of white florican bustard dyed purple and
                    Lady Amherst tail (repeated four times)
Topping:     Golden pheasant crest
Horns:         Scarlet macaw
Cheek:         Lady Amherst sword and purple kingfisher
Original 8/0 fly from: The Art of the Classic Atlantic Salmon Fly (1989)