Memories (Created and tied by Ken Sawada)

Tag:         Fine oval gold tinsel and lavender silk       
Tail:         Golden pheasant crest and red swan
Butt:        Black ostrich herl
Body:       Rear half, black floss ribbed with flat gold
                 tinsel, veiled above and below with golden
                 toucan, and butted with black herl; front half,
                 black silk ribbed with flat gold and fine
                 oval silver tinsel
Hackle:     Purple, over front half only
Throat:     Black and white wood duck
Wing:        Married strips of white florican bustard dyed purple 
                 and argus pheasant (repeated four times), followed
                 by married strips of  white florican bustard dyed indigo
                 (repeated four times)
Topping:  Golden pheasant crest
Horns:      Scarlet macaw
Original 8/0 fly from: The Art of the Classic Atlantic Salmon Fly (1989)