Galway Blazer
(Created and tied by Paul Schmookler)

Tag: Flat silver tinsel.
Tail: Golden pheasant crest and Indian crow.
Butt: Black ostrich herl.
Body: Rear half: Oval silver tinsel veiled above
and below with Indian crow (doubled)
and butted with black ostrich herl.
Front 2/3: same as rear half.
Front 1/3: Oval silver tinsel ribbed with
banded gymnogene * (or guinea fowl).
Throat: Banded gymnogene * (or guinea fowl).
Wing: Malay peacock pheasant, partially
veiled by two golden pheasant tippets
slightly overlapping.
Cheek: Jungle cock and Blue chatterer.
Topping: Golden pheasant crest, doubled.
Horns: Blue and gold macaw.
* Endangered species, recommend using
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